My Bucket List:
1-Visit New York. I've always thought that New York is the coolest city in the world, and I'd really like to visit the downtown area, go to a Knicks game, and eat some great food that the city has to offer.
2- Do mission work in Tanzania. I first learned of this service trip through my church, who goes to Tanzania every year. However, to attend the trip you have to be 18, so the soonest I'll be able to go is the summer of 2012. I want to spread my faith, and rebuild villages in the impoverished area.
3- Bungie dive off of the Golden Gate Bridge. My biggest fear is heights, and the ocean. By bungie jumping off of this bridge, I would essentially be conquering my two greatest fears, and I think it would just be an exhilerating experience.
4- Take a trip to space. I'm sure by the time I am in my middle years of life, space travel will be a very popular activity, and it will be feasible for one to take a trip there. I think the flight up would be really cool, and hanging out in space would be an awesome sight.
5- Meet Blu. Blu is my favorite rapper, and some of his songs have been very crucial to my battles in life, and overcoming traumatic experiences. I'd love to tell him that face-to-face.
6- Start my own restaurant. I don't want restaurant managing to be my main major in life, but I would love to own a family restaurant when I have enough time and money later on in life. It has been my dream since I was just a little kid.
7- Live in California. I don't think I will be able to handle the cold weathered Minnesota for my whole life, and I know that California is the place to be for a lot of reasons. Great sports teams, cool music scene, and great place for entrepeneurs.
8- Be on a TV show. Even if I am only interviewed for fifteen seconds on a local news station, I've always wanted to know what a little bit of fame is like. I would really take advantage of that air time.
9- Win a competition for money. Whether it be a karoake competition, a half-court shot, or the lottery, I think it'd be awesome to get some extrinsic rewards for winning a prestigious contest.
10- Own a lakehouse. When I'm older and retired at a young age, I would love to have a lakehouse to go to in the summer, so my kids could ski and tube, and I could relax in peace.
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