Monday, March 7, 2011

Daily Journal-- 3/7/11

Marian Bartsch and Joey Catsalgi met on his first day of work. Marian was wearing her bright red skirt, that Joey would come to crave over the next couple of years. Joey approached Marian with his hand out, to properly introduce himself as the newest member of Crane, Inc. Marian smiled, said "nice to meet you," and kept walking. Within their three seconds of interaction, Joey had already grasped a whirlwind of variables about Marian. She wore a flower headband, with her long, brown hair swooping down to her shoulders. When she smiled she had two dimples on her right cheek, but only one on her left cheek. Her teeth were pearly white, and she wore very faint-colored lipstick. The one thing Joey was still mesmorized by, however, were Marian's eyes. He had never in his life seen such vibrant, green eyes, and he was compelled to look at them again. Joey, confined to his own household for the majority of his childhood, had only seen brown eyes before and so he naturally believed that every human had brown eyes. His father wasn't around for most of his growing-up, and his mother had battled with a cocaine addiction which kept Joey locked in his room, sometimes for days at a time. That being said, it's obvious to understand how he was so attracted to Marian's eyes. It's very possible that Joey had never seen anything so bright in his life, besides the sun. After Marian walked by, Joey waited a couple of seconds before turning to look back at her. He stared for at least four additional seconds, waiting to see if she would turn around to look back at him. Their eyes could meet and he could feel the sense of fascination he had just felt a couple seconds prior. Marian kept walking though. Joey turned his head in shame and walked the other way. At that moment, Marian briefly glanced over her shoulder, and watched her new co-worker walk down the hall, introducing himself to more people. Her faint smile faded, her green eyes contracted, and she turned her head back around.

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